Viet Orient

Hotel set up, Hotel management and Hotel consultancies company

Greeting Letter
Greeting Letter
Letter from CEO of HOTEL MANAGEMENT, HOTEL SET UP company. These are the heartfelt message from a specialist who has practical experiences in the field of HOTEL CONSULTING, HOTEL SET UP and HOTEL MANAGEMENT in Viet Nam.
About Us
About Us
HOTEL SET UP, HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY Viet Orient has the most professional and prestigious HOTEL SET UP and HOTEL MANAGEMENT SERVICE in Viet Nam.
Vision, Mission and Core values
Vision, Mission and Core values
Mission, core values of HOTEL SET UP, HOTEL MANAGEMENT compant Viet Orient is to orient and develop a Vietnamese brand of HOTEL CONSULTING, HOTEL SET UP and HOTEL MANAGEMENT in Vietnam and the world. 
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
HOTEL SET UP, HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY Viet Orient has the personnel structure applied according to the international standard. The company has attractive policy to attract talents, focusing on training and developing human resources for hotel industry in Vietnam.
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